Most of the articles below are either available open access or I have attached a preprint. If not, send me an email and I will gladly share the manuscript. You can also find my articles on Google Scholar, ResearchGate, or linked in my CV.
Peer reviewed articles
Parry, D. A., Fisher, J. T., Mieczkowski, H., Sewall, C. J. R., Davidson, B. I., (2022). Social Media and Well- being: A Methodological Perspective. Current Opinion in Psychology 45. [preprint]
Parry, D. A., Davidson, B. I., Sewall, C. J., Fisher, J. T., Mieczkowski, H., Quintana, D. S., (2021). A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Discrepancies Between Logged and Self-Reported Digital Media Use. Nature Human Behaviour. [preprint]
Sewall, C.,Parry, D. A. (2021) The role of depression in the discrepancy between estimated and actual smartphone use: A cubic response surface analysis. Technology, Mind, and Behaviour. [preprint]
Parry, D. A., le Roux, D.B. (2021). “Cognitive Control in Media Multitaskers” Ten Years On: A Meta-Analysis. Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace 15(2), 2 – 7. DOI: 10.5817/CP2021-2-7 [open access]
le Roux, D. B., Parry, D. A. (2021). An exploratory investigation of the use and effects of academic instant messaging groups among university students. Education and Information Technologies. 10.1007/s10639-021-10631-y.
Dienlin, T., Johannes, N., Bowman, N. D., Masur, P. K., Engesser, S., Kumpel, A. S., Lukito, J., Bier, L. M., Zhang, R., Johnson, B. K., Huskey, R., Fisher, J. T., Schneider, F. M., Breuer, J., Parry, D. A., Banks, J., TeBlunthuis, N., Vermeulen, I., Smits, T., Weber, R., Won, A. S., Ellis, D. A., Unkel, J., Wang, X., Trepte, S., Ivory, J. D., Neubaum, G., Bachl, M., Winter, S., Davidson, B. I., Kim, N., Kramer, N., Utz, S., Carpenter, C. J., Levine, T. R., Lewis, N. A., Rinke, E. M., McEwan, B., Domahidi, E., de Vreese, C., (2021). An agenda for open science in communication. Journal of Communication. 71(1), 1 - 26. DOI: 10.1093/joc/jqz052. [open access]
le Roux, D. B., Parry, D. A., (2021) Investigating Predictors of Online Vigilance among University Students. (advance online) Information Technology & People. DOI: 0.1108/ITP-04-2020-0226. [preprint]
Henry, M. S., le Roux, D. B., Parry, D. A., (2021). Working in a Post Covid-19 World: Towards a Conceptual Framework for Distributed Work. South African Journal of Business Management. 52(1). DOI: 10.4102/sajbm.v52i1.2155 [open access]
le Roux, D. B., Parry, D. A., Totolo, A., Iyawa, G., Holloway, J., Prenter, A., & Botha L. (2021). Media Multitasking, Online Vigilance and Academic Performance among Students in three Southern African Countries. Computers and Education, 160. DOI: 10.1016/j.compedu.2020.104056 [preprint]
Abendroth, A., Parry, D. A., le Roux, D. B., Gundlach, J., (2020). An analysis of problematic media use and technology use addiction scales – what are they actually assessing?In: Hattingh M., Matthee M., Smuts H., Pappas I., Dwivedi Y., Mäntymäki M. (eds) Responsible Design, Implementation and Use of Information and Communication Technology. I3E 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12067. Springer, Cham. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-45002-1_18 [preprint]
le Roux, D. B., Parry, D. A., (2020). The Town Square in your Pocket: Exploring Four Metaphors of Social Media. In: Hattingh M., Matthee M., Smuts H., Pappas I., Dwivedi Y., Mäntymäki M. (eds) Responsible Design, Implementation and Use of Information and Communication Technology. I3E 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12067. Springer, Cham. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-45002-1_16 [preprint]
Parry, D. A., le Roux, D. B., (2020). Introducing the Media Use Behaviour Conceptual Framework. In: Hattingh M., Matthee M., Smuts H., Pappas I., Dwivedi Y., Mäntymäki M. (eds) Responsible Design, Implementation and Use of Information and Communication Technology. I3E 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12067. Springer, Cham. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-45002-1_15 [preprint]
Parry, D. A., le Roux, D. B., Bantjes, J. R., (2020). Testing the Feasibility of a Media Multitask-ing Self-regulation Intervention for Students: Behaviour Change, Attention, and Self-perception. Computers in Human Behavior 104 DOI: 10.1016/j.chb.2019.106182. [preprint]
le Roux, D. B., Parry, D.A., (2019). Off-task Media Use in Academic Settings: Cycles of Self-regulation Failure. Journal of American College Health. DOI: 10.1080/07448481.2019.1656636. [preprint]
Broughton, A., Daly, M.D., Marx, N., Nieuwoudt, M., le Roux, D. B., Parry, D.A., (in press). An exploratory investigation of online and offline social behaviour among digital natives. Proceedings of the 2019 Annual Research Conference of the South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists (SAICSIT 2019), Skakuza, South Africa, ACM. DOI: 10.1145/3351108.3351146. [preprint]
Mbilini, S., le Roux, D. B., Parry, D.A., (in press). Does automation influence career decisions among South African students? Proceedings of the 2019 Annual Research Conference of the South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists (SAICSIT 2019), Skakuza, South Africa, ACM. DOI: 10.1145/3351108.3351137 [preprint]
Parry, D.A., (2019). Computing Research in South Africa: A Scientometric Investigation. South African Computer Journal 31(3), 51-79. DOI: 10.18489/sacj.v31i1.674 [open access]
le Roux, D.B., Parry, D.A., (2019). Investigating differences in the attention distribution strategies of high and low media multitaskers through a two-dimensional game. Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace 13(3). DOI: 10.5817/CP2019-3-2 [open access]
Parry, D.A., le Roux, D. B., & Cornelissen, L.A., (2019). Managing In-Lecture Media Use: The Feasibility and Value of a Split-Class Policy. Journal of Computing in Higher Education. DOI: 10.1007/s12528-019-09232-z. [preprint]
Parry, D.A., (2019) Book Review: Permanently Online, Permanently Connected: Living and Communicating in a POPC World. Information, Communication, and Society 22(12), 1841-1844. DOI: 10.1080/1369118X.2019.1590441.
Parry D.A., le Roux D.B. (2019) Off-Task Media Use in Lectures: Towards a Theory of Determinants. In: Kabanda S., Suleman H., Gruner S. (eds) ICT Education. SACLA 2018. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 963. Springer, Cham. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-05813-5_4. [preprint]
Parry, D. A., and le Roux, D. B., (2019) Media multitasking and cognitive control: A systematic review of interventions. Computers in Human Behaviour, Volume 92, 316-327. DOI: 10.1016/j.chb.2018.11.031.
Parry, D. A., and le Roux, D. B., (2018) In-lecture Media Use and Academic Performance: Investigating Demographic and Intentional Moderators. South African Computer Journal, 30(1), 85-107. DOI: 10.18489/sacj.v30i1.434 [open access]
le Roux, D. B., Parry, D. A., (2017) In-lecture Media Use and Academic Performance: Does Subject Area matter? Computers in Human Behaviour, Volume 77, 86-94. DOI: 10.1016/j.chb.2017.08.030.
le Roux D.B., Parry D.A. (2017) A New Generation of Students: Digital Media in Academic Contexts. In: Liebenberg J., Gruner S. (eds) ICT Education. SACLA 2017. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 730. Springer, Cham. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-69670-6_2. [preprint]
Pretorius A., Parry DA. (2016) Human Decision Making and Artificial Intelligence - A Comparison in the Domain of Sports Prediction. In: Coetzee M, Ehlers E, Coulter D, Marnewick C, Leung WS (eds.) Proceedings of the 2016 Annual Research Conference of the South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists (SAICSIT), Johannesburg, South Africa. DOI: 10.1145/2987491.2987493. [code] [preprint]
Leysens J-L., le Roux D.B., Parry, D.A. (2016) Can I have your attention please? An empirical investigation of media multitasking during university lectures In: Coetzee M, Ehlers E, Coulter D, Marnewick C, Leung WS (eds.) Proceedings of the 2016 Annual Research Conference of the South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists (SAICSIT), Johannesburg, South Africa. DOI: 10.1145/2987491.2987498. [preprint]
Parry D.A., Pretorius C. (2015) Maps as a technique for visualizing load-shedding schedules. In: Barnett, R. J., Cleophas, L., Kourie, D. G., le Roux, D. B., Watson, B. W. (eds.) Proceedings of the 2015 Annual Research Conference of the South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists (SAICSIT), Stellenbosch, South Africa. DOI: 10.1145/2815782.2815784. [preprint]